Tuesday 24 February 2009

Newspaper prop in Sequence 2 – scene 1

1) First of all i took a photograph of an old newspaper i had:

2) I then uploaded the photograph into Adobe Photoshop, i then cropped the image and stretched it out.

3) I then set about getting rid of one of the lead stories about Frank Lampard’s wife leaving him(bottom right of the image.) I did this by selecting the area i wanted to delete, deleting it and then used the paint brush tool to fill the space in with the white/gray colour of the newspaper.

4) I them started adding our own story. First of all i added text, i added a headline and a sub headline, but borrowed the introduction to the story from the Jose Marinoho story on the opposite page.

I then had to add an image of our fraudster to the front page. This was quite easy but i had to rearrange the page a bit to make the image fit. The image we chose was this one below:

The last thing i had to do before printing was to make the image proper tabloid size which is 54cm x 37cm. and here is the final result:

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