Tuesday 24 February 2009



The characters we had to cast for were:

Character 1:
· Character one is a convict who is up for parole and released. The character is very sure of himself and cocky but also intelligent and quick thinking. We pictured an older man who is a bit daunting yet has an air of confidence. He also had to look a bit of a ‘Hard man’.

Character 2:
· Character two was not to be as physically different and instead to show more through his personality as we intended him to be a family man with more commitments to his life. Not as care free as he might have been but still a confident character.

Character 3:
· Character three is the youngest of the three who has settled into a job. The character is meant to be quite scatty and nervous and very unsure of his own ability although he is very intelligent. This character should be slighter of frame than the other two and look ‘geekier’.

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