Tuesday 7 April 2009

This is the Directors commentary for my section of the evaluation. It aims to answer the followign questions as well as talking about the specific micro features of our film:

  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • How did you attract/address your audience?
  • Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Tuesday 24 February 2009


This is how we came up with our opening sequence song

First of all Craig (our musician) gave us a few songs to have a listen too and decide what we liked and what we didn't like, these are the songs he gave us:

AC-DC - Beating Around the Bush
AC-DC - High Voltage
Blue Oyster Cult - Don't fear the reaper

We really liked the sound of Blue Oyster Cult - Don't fear the reaper (below)

We then asked Craig to have a go at making his own version of the ‘Don't fear the reaper’ song and here it is:

We did like it but we thought as a group that it wasn’t quite what we were looking for. We then gave him a song out of oceans 13 which was more like what we were looking for, he then put the two songs together and came up with the song below:

We really liked this but thought it was a bit too short so we asked him to add to it.

This is the longer version, but we thought it was missing something. We also thought it had a bit too much of the electric guitar in it.

This is our shorted final song. It is also unmixed and is in need of a little tweaking.

So there we have our final version and the music for our title sequence.



The characters we had to cast for were:

Character 1:
· Character one is a convict who is up for parole and released. The character is very sure of himself and cocky but also intelligent and quick thinking. We pictured an older man who is a bit daunting yet has an air of confidence. He also had to look a bit of a ‘Hard man’.

Character 2:
· Character two was not to be as physically different and instead to show more through his personality as we intended him to be a family man with more commitments to his life. Not as care free as he might have been but still a confident character.

Character 3:
· Character three is the youngest of the three who has settled into a job. The character is meant to be quite scatty and nervous and very unsure of his own ability although he is very intelligent. This character should be slighter of frame than the other two and look ‘geekier’.
Newspaper prop in Sequence 2 – scene 1

1) First of all i took a photograph of an old newspaper i had:

2) I then uploaded the photograph into Adobe Photoshop, i then cropped the image and stretched it out.

3) I then set about getting rid of one of the lead stories about Frank Lampard’s wife leaving him(bottom right of the image.) I did this by selecting the area i wanted to delete, deleting it and then used the paint brush tool to fill the space in with the white/gray colour of the newspaper.

4) I them started adding our own story. First of all i added text, i added a headline and a sub headline, but borrowed the introduction to the story from the Jose Marinoho story on the opposite page.

I then had to add an image of our fraudster to the front page. This was quite easy but i had to rearrange the page a bit to make the image fit. The image we chose was this one below:

The last thing i had to do before printing was to make the image proper tabloid size which is 54cm x 37cm. and here is the final result:


These are the roes that we have decided on depending on out personal strengths and weaknesses.We have also decided to colour code all of our work so it is easier to see who has done what in the blogs

Ben (Red)
Lighting Engin
Location Manager

George (Blue)
Artistic Director
Musical Director
Chief Editor

Matti (Green)
Sound and Foley Engineer
Title Designer

All of us (white)
Casting directors

Step Outlines

Step Outlines

Shot List

Shot List

Tuesday 27 January 2009



Scene 1

(Interview room – 3 board members sat behind a desk, looking through papers)

Member 1 – Next

(Character enters flanked by police officer – sits on chair at other side of desk looking humble, reserved)

Member 1 – Mr… Served 4 years of an 8 year sentence for fraud. Exemplary behaviour report, good character reference. Do you feel you have been rehabilitated?

Character – I do, being here has been hard, I miss the outside, being my own man. Think I learned my lesson a long time ago.

(APPROVED – Stamped on documents with photo)

Scene 2

(Character collecting belongings from office)

Officer 1 – Now you’re not to leave the country and any change of address must be forwarded to us. Any breach of your parole contract and you’ll have to be back in for review. Any questions?

Character – Nope

Officer 1 – Right then you’re free to go.

Character – Cheers.

(Collects items from counter and turns to leave)

Officer 2 – Oh, just a minute Mr… A letter arrived for you this morning.

Character – Oh, thank you, (proceeds to open letter and reads down) Hmm

(Smiles, screws up letter, puts on shades and walks out)

Scene 3

(Shot of house exterior, sound of a phone ringing laid over)

Scene 4

(Cuts to house interior. Character walks into shot and picks up phone)

Character – Hello?


Ok. When and where?

Right, see you there.

(Hangs up)

I’m going out love, I’ll call you later.

(Puts on coat and leaves)

(Move camera to look though door of car driving off down drive)

Scene 5

(Small office, cubical, covered with wires and screens – character sat in middle)

Character – (muttered) Hmm, you can go there…move you round
(turns to another screen)
Oh hello. (opens an e-mail)
Ok. (types a reply, short)

(Stands and rushes to leave, tripping as he goes and straightening items up that he’s knocked over)

Scene 6

(Character outside putting on helmet and unchaining bike)

Character – Really could do without … (muttering under breath)

(Cycles off)

Scene 7

(Shot of a track leading up to grave yard. Character 3 cycles past, character 2’s car parked up next to entrance)

Scene 8

(Shot from ground, characters walk into shot)

Character 1 – Now then Gentlemen, long time no see.

Character 2 – Indeed, hardly ideal circumstances for a reunion either.

Character 3 – Hmm, no. look guys can we get this sorted, erm, I have thing to

Character 1 – This won’t take long, we just have to pay our respects

(Characters bow heads, somber, cut to grave)

Character 2 – Now. I always believed that a mans last request should be honoured, I think its only fair we respect that.

(Characters walk away)