Monday 8 December 2008

Audience and Genre research

Our selected genre is a Heist movie, examples of other heist movies include Oceans 11, 12 and 13. The opening sequences for these films are very upbeat and are put together in a stylish manner. They tend to introduce each character spearately such as in Oceans 13 one of the characters is on a job and it establishes him individually whilst giving some background information on him, in this case that he is a criminal.
The music they use is also generally up beat and catchy and has very 'cool' connotations, this is something we deffinately want to encorporate into our piece.
The audience for these types of films are predominantly male with a rough age of 16-40. There are characters in Heist films that may generally not be associated witht he roles they play such as an older actor playing one of the main parts in quite an energetic role but i think this makes it easier for some of the older members of the audience to watch the film without being alienated by having purely young and fresh actors in these roles. I also think that this gives a lot of scope for these type of films in that when we cast we can go for actors of a wider age range.

Friday 5 December 2008


In our first lesson we looked at a number of different film opening and title sequences. After discussing we decided there are six key things that all opening sequences to films establish.

These are:
1. Gives a hint to the narrative
2. Introduce main characters
3. Introduce the setting
4. Include titles
5. Have music
6. Establishes Genre